Toddler and Kids Bike, 16-Inch Wheels, Training Wheels Included, Boys and Girls Ages 4-7 Years Old, Rider Height 41-47-Inches, Green


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About this item

  • Best Gift for Kids - Kid's bike is designed for maximum enjoyment. this kids bike with 16-inch wheels is is perfect for riding to the park or riding on the sidewalk around the neighborhood. The bike is designed for children 4-7 years old, or 42 - 48 inches tall
  • Uncompromising Safety: Our product is equipped with a full coverage chain guard, ensuring that little feet are shielded from potential accidents. Removable training wheels will keep everything pointing in the right direction till she's ready to balance on her own.Enjoy worry-free family rides and create cherished memories together.
  • Sturdy Design - Durable steel frame and fork provide awesome impact resistance when riding over rocky and bumpy terrain, easily surivive the multiple bumps of learning ride a bicycle.
  • Ultimate Riding Pleasure: Experience the pinnacle of riding pleasure with our product's combination of shock-absorbing tires and deluxe PU cushioned seat. Enjoy a smooth and comfortable ride, as the tires absorb any bumps along the way, while the plush seat provides unparalleled comfort, allowing you to savor every moment of your cycling journey.
  • Service & Install - You don't have to worry about damage or maintenance. The bike comes 85% pre-assembled, with an elaborated instruction manual and all tools needed in the box. It is easy enough to put together in 30minutes
Age range (description)Toddler
Bike typeKids Bike
Number of speeds1

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